Here is a little tutorial what you need to do before you get your resources: First, put in your username, then choose a platform you play on and then the most important part amount of resources you want to get. Tap on the "GENERATE" button and wait till our console finish the process for you. Last part is that you need to prove to our server that you are a human by installing two apps from google play or app store and play them for 30 seconds or more. You are done, reenter your game and play with your free resources! version 10.12 17401 (16C67)
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Jennifer Hays
Shreveport, Louisiana
It did work. Thank you so much
Richard Richards
How long does it take to my account?
Samuel Leal
Rainy River High School
Just wait 3-5 minutes. If not working you can try again, maybe the system is busy right now.
Richard Richards
Working, thank you
Gabriella Benham
Thousand Oaks, California
You guys are awesome! this is a greeeeeaaaaaaaat website!!!
Snješka Topić
It's really work. Amazing. My nickname in the game is zsozso81.
Marghub Baha Bahar
It works perfectly. I would do it tomorrow for my friends
'Anan Mu'minah Rahal
Brisbane, Australia
I am from Australia so it's working, thanks
Júlio Barros Melo
This works right
Davi Correia
Paris, France
I have done everything I could multiple times and still working
Věra Dědečková
thank you so much !
Stine V Kristensen
Wow it's woking!
Liv T Jacobsen
Man High School
I like hAck
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